[..] Parent folder

File Name Size Modified Date
01-Why isnt there nothing-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 1.908.736   05/04/2024 18:11
02-Tidy-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 962.560   05/04/2024 18:11
03-Keep one hand in your pocket-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 3.958.784   05/04/2024 18:11
04-Two shades of lipstick-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 3.852.288   05/04/2024 18:11
05-Just a matter of time-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 864.256   05/04/2024 18:11
06-Flying carpet-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.063.232   05/04/2024 18:11
07-Sticky-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 880.640   05/04/2024 18:11
08-Tidy shoes-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.636.672   05/04/2024 18:11
09-Too long to wait-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 3.842.048   05/04/2024 18:11
10-Valley of the kings-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.274.176   05/04/2024 18:11
11-Wait all day for a poem then three just pass you by-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 1.589.248   05/04/2024 18:11
12-Removal man-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 4.491.264   05/04/2024 18:11
13-Gone-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 968.704   05/04/2024 18:11
14-Dressing table-Maurice and the Beejays_spoken.mp3 2.828.288   05/04/2024 18:11
cover.jpg 2.383.108   14/09/2022 15:48
cover_200.jpg 6.122   01/04/2024 04:36
mauricebee-whyisnttherenothing_spoken_128.mp3 39.120.896   05/04/2024 18:11

Total folders: 0
Total files: 17
Total size of all files: 80.631.022
Date generated: 31/01/2025 14:32